The Italians have Parmesan, the Chinese fermented black beans. The word “bean” in their name has led to some naming confusion. Black beans here refer to fermented and heavily salted soybeans. They are found in many East Asian cuisines, but are most common in China. There is no substitute for douchi, but a good Chinese black bean sauce can stand in for it in many recipes.
In the 1970s, archaeologists found douchi sealed inside a Chinese tomb dating back to 165 BC, making this spice the oldest known soy product in the world.
Black soybeans are fermented by inoculation with a species of Aspergillus fungus . This genus of mushroom is particularly important in Asian cuisine as it is used to ferment soy sauce , miso, sake, rice vinegar and other foods.

Douchi is used as widely as Doubanjiang in Sichuan dishes including Mapo tofu and twice-boiled pork. People in many southern provinces prepare douchi at home. It is also used to flavor fish or sautéed vegetables (especially bitter melon and leafy greens). Unlike some other soy-based fermented foods, douchi is only used as a seasoning. It is not meant to be consumed in large quantities as it is usually very salty.
Fermented black beans are normally rinsed before being used in cooking. Otherwise, they give the dish an overly salty taste. For best results, rehydrate them in water or another liquid called for in the recipe, such as rice wine, vinegar, or soy sauce. Soak for a few minutes before cooking. Beans can then be used whole, chopped, ground or blended. Added at the beginning of cooking, they add a subtler umami flavor; added later will retain more of their flavor and texture.

What douchi to buy?
Buy ones that list only soybeans (or black soybeans), salt, and possibly ginger as ingredients. Douches packaged in small plastic bags will be the most intensely flavored. They are also occasionally found in small glass containers, although these are often less palatable.
Store in a tightly closed container or in a resealable bag in the refrigerator. If stored properly, it will last for several months.
Douchi is almost certainly NOT made from any GMO beans. The vast majority of soybean crops are grown for the production of soybean oil, and black soybeans do not produce large amounts of it. So far, black soybean varieties have only been subjected to conventional breeding procedures.