Dan Dan noodles are a popular and iconic Szechuan dish that has gained immense popularity around the world. With its spicy and fragrant broth, along with the addition of minced pork and noodles, Dan Dan noodles offer a unique and satisfying dining experience.
Why the name Dan Dan noodles?
Hailing from China’s Sichuan province, Dan Dan noodles have a rich history dating back to the Qing Dynasty. The name “Dan Dan” is derived from the carrying pole (dan dan) used by street vendors to carry noodles and ingredients. These vendors carried a basket of noodles on one end of a pole and a pot of tasty broth on the other. They then mixed the noodles with the sauce and served them to the customers.

The soup version of Dan Dan noodles originates from Hong Kong and is more common in the rest of China, but is not common in Sichuan itself, where the traditional style dominates.
Apart from the basic ingredients, there are no rules and the way they are served (quick and cheap). The key ingredient that sets Dan Dan noodles apart is the spicy sauce. Made from chili oil , Szechuan pepper , soy sauce , and other spices, this sauce gives the dish its characteristic heat and flavor. Szechuan pepper in particular gives the noodles a unique numbing sensation, creating a wonderful sensory experience.
Another essential component of Dan Dan noodles is minced pork. The meat is usually fried with garlic, ginger and other aromatics before being added to the dish. This gives the noodles a spicy and meaty element and complements the taste of the sauce perfectly.

What noodles to use?
When it comes to the noodles themselves, there are a variety of options to choose from. Traditional Dan Dan noodles are made from wheat noodles , which have a chewy and springy texture. However, you can use other types of noodles such as egg noodles or even spaghetti if you prefer. (Not spaghetti really.)
Making Dan Dan noodles at home is fairly simple, although it may require a few special ingredients that can be found in Asian grocery stores or online. First, cook the noodles according to package directions and set aside. In a separate pan, cook ground pork with garlic, ginger and Szechuan pepper until browned. Then prepare a spicy sauce by combining chili oil, soy sauce and other spices. Finally, mix the cooked noodles with the sauce and top with the cooked minced pork.

Garnish your Dan Dan noodles with chopped scallions, crushed peanuts and a sprinkling of cilantro for added freshness and crunch. The combination of flavors and textures in this dish is truly exceptional and will leave you wanting more.
You can add other ingredients to enhance the taste of Dan Dan noodles. Common options include pickled vegetables, sesame seeds, or a splash of black vinegar for a tangy flavor. They add complexity and depth to a dish and elevate it to a whole new level of deliciousness. So don’t be afraid to be creative and experiment to customize Dan Dan noodles to your liking.
Vegetarian version
If you want to make a vegetarian version of Dan Dan noodles, you can easily replace the ground pork with tofu or mushrooms. Simply stir-fry tofu or mushrooms with the same aromatics and spices for a tasty and satisfying alternative. The versatility of Dan Dan noodles allows for endless variations and adaptations, making them a dish that everyone can enjoy.

Dan Dan nudle (Dàndàn miàn 担担面)
- 150 g mletého vepřového nebo hovězího masa
- 2 lžičky sójové omáčky
- 2 lžičky rýžového vína Shaoxing
- 2 lžíce oleje
- 2 lžíce arašídů hrubě drcené
- 1 lžička zázvoru na drobno nasekaný
- 1 lžíce mletého Ya Cai – nebo Zha Cai
- 1 lžička chilli vloček podle chuti
- 1½ lžíce čínské sezamové pasty
- 1½ lžičky vody
- 2 stroužky česneku na drobno nasekaný
- 2 lžíce sójové omáčky
- 1 lžíce černého rýžového octa
- 1 lžička mletého sečuánského pepře
- lžíce chilli oleje
- 1 špetka cukru
- 2 porce nudlí – čerstvé nebo sušené
- 1 hrst listové zelené zeleniny – např. bok choy sum choy, špenát atd
Na ozdobu
- 2 ks jarní cibulky jemně nasekané
- Mleté vepřové maso dejte do misky. Přidejte sójovou omáčku a rýžové víno. Dobře promíchejte, aby se maso co nejvíce uvolnilo.
- Nalijte olej do studeného woku. Přidejte arašídy a na mírném ohni smažte, dokud nezezlátnou. Přesuňte arašídy do mísy (nechte v nich olej) a dejte stranou.
- Do zbylého oleje přidejte nasekaný zázvor, maso, mleté Ya Cai a chilli vločky. Když je maso zcela upečené, dejte stranou.
- V misce smíchejte sezamovou pastu a vodu, dokud nebude polotekoucí a hladká.
- Přidejte česnek, sójovou omáčku, černý ocet, mletý sečuánský pepř, chilli olej a cukr. Dobře promíchejte a dejte stranou.
- Přiveďte velký hrnec vody k plnému varu. Uvařte nudle podle návodu na obalu. Přidejte zeleninu.
- Po uvaření slijte a na několik sekund proplachujte pod studenou vodou, abyste odstranili přebytečný škrob.
- Nalijte omáčku do dvou servírovacích misek. Přidejte nudle a zeleninu.
- Navrch dejte vařené maso a arašídy. Ozdobte jarní cibulkou.